Day 9- A Race to The Finish

Monday, November 30, 2009

**author's note: This one is long! I hope you enjoy it though, and are able to easily follow the teams of girls as they race through the city. I based it largely off the amazing race format, but it's much simpler and the race is only one quick leg. Have fun!

The girls got out of the car and entered Go Here Sunshine Park. They assembled themselves into the teams.

"Alright, ladies." Don approached them. "Welcome to the ultimate challenge, which two of you will win. It's a race across all downtown has to offer. Starting here, you each have eight places to locate. You will find a clue to your next location tied to a boquet of flowers there. Then you will proceed to the finish line, where I will be waiting for the winners. The first team to meet me at the finish with all eight bouquets wins!"

"Bachelorettes ready... GO!"

There was a lot of screaming and shouting while ten deranged women ran down the street toward Oresha Family Dining, the first location. Soon most of the teams had burst into the small establishment, combing each area from head to foot.

"I found ours!" Tiffanie yelled, pulling Sharon over.

"YES! Let's go!" Sharon shouted, and they ran down the street toward Midnight Flows. At that same moment, Taryn and Vita came huffing into the restaurant, desperate and already in last.

Soon Remy and Meg found theirs.

"Hey... this bouquet is ours!" Taryn exclaimed delightedly, and she and Vita jumped from 5th to 3rd as they ran out, with Taylor and Kara hot on their heels.

"Crap, crap crap!" Brianne and Chanel wailed. It took them a precious five minutes to find their clue, and they were the last team to leave. Sprinting out of the diner, they luckily found a cab immediately, and raced to the next location.

"HA!" Brianne called to the other teams jogging down the block as they passed them. Chanel and Brianne flung themselves from the cab, hastily paying the driver in the form of Chanel throwing a twenty at him. They collided with Tiffanie and Sharon at the door, but it was Chanel who found their bouquet first, and they took the lead.
"Out of the way!" Brianne squealed, trying to catch her partner.

Taylor and Kara hit the scene. "Move it, girls!" Taylor screamed, shoving Chanel and Brianne backwards.

"Oh hell no, sweetie!" Chanel cried angrily. "Don't disrespect us like that, honey!"

**Taylor, 25- "Chanel scares me. A lot."
"Yeah." Brianne stuck with her partner. "Since Don isn't here, you decide to be rude to everyone. You're a fake-"

"Enough, Bri, let's get outta here." Chanel sailed out, grabbing Brianne by the wrist.

By now each team was seperated.

"Oh, no!" Meg remarked to Remy at Comandgo Emporium. "Our next stop is Fresh Rush Grocery, and that's miles away. We're going to have to call a cab."

"This is a disaster." Remy wrung her hands, pacing, while Meg placed a frantic call to a harassed sounding cab driver.
"Do we even have enough money? Or should we try to make it on foot?" she wailed.

Over at Sim Center North, in dead last, Kara and Taylor ran this way and that, searching to no avail for a bouquet and clue that seemed to not exist. They began to get very frustrated. To make matters worse, while running over the bridge, Kara tripped and fell, sprawling into mud.

"EURGH!" Kara yelled, falling backward. Taylor ran over, crying. "This is such a joke! If it weren't for stupid Chanel..."

"Honestly, you can't blame everything on her." Kara said, playfully throwing some mud at her. "Hahaha!"

Taylor screamed, a blood curdling yell that made everyone in the park turn around, shaken.
Meanwhile, Vita and Taryn arrived, and immediately found their flowers and clue.

"That's it!" Vita cried, and dashed across the park, while Taryn followed, gasping and sputtering, and fell to the ground. "Vita!" she called.

"Oh, no, hurry get up! Taylor and Kara are here, Tar! Don't let them see us!"

"I don't feel so good..." Taryn wheezed.

"We can win this! Come on!" Vita called hopefully. "Let's just call a cab. Hmmmm..." Vita checked the clue. "Make your way over to Deja Vu Modern Art Museum and search for your next clue. C'mon, Taryn, get up!"

Night had fallen, but each of the girls still had places to visit.

Brianne and Chanel soon located their final destination, similar sights sculpture park.

"Oohh..." Brianne approached a funny statue. "My mother would love this."

"Shut up and look over there!" Chanel told her, and they ran to the middle of the park. "I think its right-"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" they screamed in shock as flames shot up from several sculptures.

"Omigosh what's happening?! Don't kill me!" Brianne called into the night.
"Stop being such a drama queen, Bri." Chanel snapped, snatching their clue off the bouquet and reading it aloud. "This is your final clue. Make your way over to Lost In Love Hedge Maze and find Don!"
"Yes!" Brianne cheered.

Meanwhile, Taylor and Kara were finishing up, as they arrived at The Corner Shoppes.

Looking at a site map, Kara and Taylor (both heavily coated in mud) bickered over possible locations of their final bouquet.
"This place is huge!" Taylor moaned, wiping mud off of her forehead. "We'll never find it!" As they continued to fight, Tiffanie and Sharon emerged from one of the stores holding their clue.
"Hey ladies!" Sharon squealed as they hailed a taxi.

Finally, on the roof of Maple Springs pool and spa, Meg and Remy hit the jackpot.

"LOOK LOOK LOOK!" Remy squealed with joy, grabbing their final bouquet. "This is the last one!"

"Great teamwork, partner!" Meg said, and they high fived. "Now let's get to the maze!"

* * * *

At this point the three teams of Tiffanie and Sharon, Meg and Remy, and Brianne and Chanel were making their way toward the final location, and the drama was unfolding at Lost in Love Hedge Maze.

"This is it!" Sharon delightedly hugged Tiffanie as they arrived first. They bolted into the maze. "We're still winning!"

"This will be a piece of cake!" Tiffanie smiled, and they dove in. Unfortunately, it proved to be very complicated, and they were soon lost and fighting.

"This is not happening, not now!" Sharon threw her hands up in frustration, while Tiffanie thoughtfully scanned the maze with her eyes.

"It's not over, 'til its over, Sharon."
"But I need to win this date to stay in the competition, Tiff!" Sharon began to cry.
Back on the street, Brianne and Chanel's taxi was lost.
"You've got to be kidding me!" Chanel seethed as they went in circles.
"Screw it." Brianne decided, hopping out at a red light. "We can make it on foot, it's only two blocks away!"

By this time Remy and Meg had found the maze and had fought their way through most of the confusing hedges.

"Hold on, hold on... is that?" Remy and Meg peered over the top of the bushed to see Don standing a few yards away, next to a beautiful statue.

"We're out WE"RE OUT! REMY REMY?! HURRY!" Meg screamed, as they skidded around a corner, and ran up the steps to where Don stood.

Brianne and Chanel arrived just in time to watch Remy and Meg win.

"Damn it!" Brianne cried, throwing their bouquets to the grass.
Meg and Remy greeted Don, jumping with joy.

"Congratulations, ladies. You've won a fabulous prize. You are going on a date with me for an entire evening at a cozy alpine lounge! We'll have dinner, drinks, and dancing. How does that sound?"

"WOO HOO!" they cried, elated with their win.

**Remy, 24 and Meg, 30- "We won! What is going on? Who would have thought!?"

Minutes later a bitterly dissapointed Sharon and Tiffanie joined them.

Don surveyed the girls. "Tiff and Sharon, you are team number two."
"Well, you can't win everything." Tiffanie consoled a sobbing Sharon.
Right behind them came another team. "Third ain't so bad." Chanel said half heartedly as she and Brianne came over.

"Yes it is!" wailed Brianne, crying into her hands.

And twenty minutes later, to the amusement of everyone, Taylor and Kara made it, covered in mud and tears, their clothes ripped, half dragging each other and their smushed bouquets. They looked utterly woebegone.

"We... finished." Kara said, before she and Taylor collasped into a heap, exhausted.

"You two know how to make an entrance." Don said amusingly. "But where are Vita and Taryn?" They waited another ten minutes before the two of them arrived, Taryn looking exhausted and Vita red and angry looking.

"What happened?" Tiffanie asked.

"ARGH!" Vita amswered. "We were doing pretty good when we reached out sixth place, and wouldn't you know, we just couldn't find the darn flowers. We searched high and low, everywhere, but it never surfaced."

"Eventually we had to sit down." Taryn concluded sadly. "I felt terrible giving up on Vita, but this was too hard."

"Well thanks for an amazing day, ladies. I'm sure you all are tired and would like to take a nap or something." Don smiled at them.

And as they drove home, Taylor whispered to Kara, "That's the understatement of the year."


Lorry said...

I love it!!! I really enjoyed the challenge and the way it was written up! I had my hopes up for Taylor and Kara. Sounds like they worked hard and had fun doing it!
Thank you

bbop said...

Thank you too Mrs. Stuffy!!! You are so kind! This was one of the hardest updates for me, because I had to plan it out and then take them to 10+ community lots. But it was worth it.

And yes, how funny is the Kara/Taylor pair?

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