Day 8- An 11-Way Skating Date

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The contestants were all getting dressed and ready for the day, all of them knowing that the fourth elimination was that evening.

**Brianne, 21- "Can I just say that living with 10 other girls is a nightmare. I am an only child, and I've always had my own suite in my house! I can't even know where to begin. Remy is always singing, which is so annoying. And Vita leaves her stuff everywhere. Not to mention Hilda, a diva forever, takes like, one hour showers. I am starting to get mad."

Don then made an announcement. "Attention all girls. Please meet me in ten minutes on the skating rink for an 11 way date."

**Hilda, 27- "Ooooh this is very exciting! Finally a chance to really stand out in front of everyone else."

**Remy, 24- "Oh, crap. Just another chance to let Hilda provoke me in front of Don. Whoopee."

Soon all the girls were around the skating rink, some moving gracefully, others clinging to the railing for dear life, or, whenever possible, Don.

"Oops!" said Taylor, smiling as she once again crashed into Don. "Excuse me." Tiffanie and Sharon looked on triumphantly.

**Tiffanie, 25- "Okay, I like Don and all, but come on! Does he really fall for stuff like that!? It's pathetic how some girls just throw themselves at him. You'd think they would show a little respect."

Meanwhile, some of the less coordinated girls, like Vita and Taryn, were desperately struggling to stay up.

"Eurgh!" Vita cried, smashing into Kara, who screamed indignately and stalked off; Don was laughing at her.

**Don, 29- "Oh, Kara! She's always good for a laugh."

Don was skating smoothly with Chanel on one arm, Meg on the other. Taylor was eying them suspiciously when she made a descision. Just as Tiffanie and Sharon rolled by, Taylor shoved Sharon hard, and she fell right into the path of Don and his escorts.
"AAAAAAARGHH!" they all screamed as they fell in a heap. For a moment, Sharon looked fearful, but then Don began to giggle, and was soon echoed by everyone. Pulling in Sharon, Meg, and Chanel, for a hug, Don murmured, "Don't worry, ladies!"

"Um... Don?" Tiffanie turned around. "I think that this skating session is over."

Don smiled. "Indeed, Tiffanie!"


Soon the house was filled with hustle and bustle. Elimination was set to begin in five minutes. Brianne was heading for the bathroom muttering about her hair when Vita stopped her.

"Hey, Brianne?" Vita asked hesitantly.

"What's up?" she answered.

"Um... well... I wouldn't be asking you this... except your so glamorous and pretty and you know about this kind of stuff... but do I even look good next to all the other girls?" Vita mumbled.

Brianne was taken aback by Vita's compliment, for they had barely said two words to each other since entering the competition. "Oh, yeah, sweetie, you look great!" Brianne answered honestly. "Why do you feel like you aren't?"

"Oh!" Vita exclaimed. "I'm just... it's nothing. I'll see you around." and before Brianne could utter another word, Vita had left.

"Well, at least she looks nicer than Sharon!" Brianne mused aloud.
**Brianne, 21- "It was super sweet of Vita to ask me for help on her looks. I guess the girl does have a personality after all. The only thing I know is that she's diabetic and falls down alot. Hahahaha!"

Over pool, meanwhile, Sharon and Remy were discussing their options. "Okay, so I know it's going to be me and Taryn in the bottom two." Sharon said nervously. "Since I can't see him getting rid of anyone else!"

"No way!" said Remy. "I think me and Taryn will be next."

Across the room, however, Hilda was picking on Kara. "You know, you're probably going to be on the chopping block, soon, honey." Hilda simpered. "I mean, how stupid can one person actually be?" And laughing, Hilda walked away, leaving Kara crying in her wake.

**Hilda, 27- "I think I'm pretty safe tonight. I don't have anything to worry about. I held my tongue when talking to Remy, so I'm good!"

Don entered. "Ladies... please make your way up to the elimination room. It's time."
And totally random, a townie walked by that was a dead ringer for Carl Bach, the bachelor from season one!


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