Day 7- The Tension Builds

Monday, November 9, 2009

That evening Chanel and Don arrived holding hands, looking windswept and tired, but like they had the date of their lives.

Taylor noticed this and quickly hurried over to Brianne. "Look at them!" she whispered, pointing to Chanel and Don.

Brianne gasped and said, "Hmph!"

"Listen, meet me in the game room in five minutes... and bring Sharon!"

Puzzled, but not deterred, Brianne obeyed.

"Okay girls." Taylor began, when they were all situated around the majhong table. "As you may have noticed, Chanel is suddenly doing really well in the competition."

"Okay." said Sharon, wondering what on earth they wanted her for.

"Besides her, it's safe to say that me, Brianne, Meg, Kara, and Tiffanie are also on top. I want to take them down!"

Brianne butt in. "So what are you going to do about it?"

"That's where Sharon comes in. We need you to take one for the team." Taylor told her.

"Excuse me?" she asked.

"Well, you know you've been on the bottom at like, every elimination. You know you're going home any day now."

"It's true." remarked Brianne sadly.

Taylor continued, ignoring the incredulous look on Sharon's face. "What if you could provoke Chanel until she does something really bad in front of Don? I mean, look how much trouble Hilda and Remy are in."

Sharon looked at them. "I don't know. I really like you girls, but when it comes down to my morals... I want to win fair and square. So let's see."

Taylor and Brianne beamed. "Thank you so much!"

**Brianne, 21- "I don't really know about this plan. It's a good idea, but I'm a little weary... I guess we'll just have to see!"

**Sharon, 26- "I tried to act open and aloof when Bri and Taylor pitched their idea to me, but inside I wanted to scream and cry. Just the fact that they came to me and told me I wasn't going to win Don's love and everyone knew that awoke every insecurity I had about myself."


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