Day 7- The Fourth Challenge

Saturday, November 7, 2009

**I apologize in advance for the crappy quality and plumbobs in these pictures. This is the last episode they are bad, and then they get better!

Taylor was chatting away on the phone. "Hey girl... yeah... so there's this one girl... Brianne... She has this big problem with me! I think she's really jealous of my relationship with Don."

**Taylor, 24- "Honestly, Brianne bugs me. She bugs me!"

At that moment Don made an announcement. "Good morning! Please meet out on the lawn in ten minutes for your first challenge. Wear a swimsuit."

**Taryn, 28- "Oh no no no. I look horrible in a swim suit. I mean, really fat."

Despite misgivings, the contestants all met out back, by the pool.

**Brianne, 21- "Are you serious? It's freezing out. It's November! What does Don think we're going to do? Get frostbite?"

"Hello." Don greeted them. "Can each of you grab a spot in the pool? I have set up small platforms for you to stand on. As you can tell, these are not very sturdy, and you will have a hard time keeping balance. The last girl standing is the winner, and will win an individual date with me. Good luck."

He walked up to the diving board. "I am now going to go in the pool." Don jumped in.

"This time, I hope none of you join me!" he laughed. "The winner will get an afternoon at the park with me!"

The girls glanced nervously at each other. No one wanted to be the first one to hit the water.

After ten minutes, however, some were shivering. A cold breeze struck them all. "Brrr..." Vita shook, clutching her sides.

**Vita, 26- "I don't care how cold it is. I'm winning a challenge once and for all!"

Remy stared down her rival Hilda, giving her the sort of look that scorches. Hilda stepped forward to retaliate, and her foot met a small puddle. With a cry of suprise, she slipped backward, and fell right into the pool.

"ARGH!" Hilda screamed, rising from the water. "Thanks a freaking lot!"

After a few more minutes, Don swam around the pool, disturbing the water. Each girl struggled to stay on.

Meg, caught off guard, was the next girl out, when she slipped off the front.

Soon other followed suit. Kara was making faces at Taylor, who was giving them right back. "Look what's behind you!" Taylor shrieked, pointing behind Kara.

"Where?" Kara yelled, spinning on the spot and falling right into the pool.

"YES!" Taylor cried. After that, no one looked at her.

Finally, it was down to Taylor, Vita, and Chanel. Vita threw her fist into the air. "Yes! Im gonna win this one!" she yelled, seconds before her leg gave out and she wobbled slightly.
"Whoa... whoa!" Vita yelped as she was thrust into the pool.

**Taylor, 24- "Chanel is never winning!"

Taylor now set her sights on the last remaining girl besides herself. "Hey Chanel! Look over here!" she called out. Back on land, Kara shouted "Taylor! Watch out behind you!"

Taylor turned around quickly, only to lose her balance.

**Kara, 20- "Ha."

All heads turned to Chanel, who had been staring into space. "Congrats!" Don said, swimming over to to her. You are the winner of this challenge!"

"I won?" Chanel looked shocked. "It's over? Thank you!"

**Chanel, 28- "It looks like it's time for a total comeback. Ohhhh yeeeeeeeahhh."


Lorry said...

This was a very creative challenge. Cute and funny . . . wonder how the date will go.

bbop said...

Thanks, Mrs. Stuffy. I like making new challenges.

And my all time favorite one from this season is in episode 5! So stay tuned!

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