The Second Elimination

Monday, June 29, 2009

The thirteen girls nervously stumbled into the elimination room. The time had come.

"Well hello ladies." Don began. "As you can see, I have twelve roses behind me. But there are only thirteen girls. Tonight's elimination begins... right now."

"The first girl I'm calling tonight proved herself to me while we had a great time on our date. Taylor."

She strutted over, a smile on her face. "Thank you so much baby!" she exclaimed, earning her looks of disgust from the other girls.

Don continued. "The same goes for this next woman. Brianne."

"Oh, thank goodness!" she shouted, joining Taylor.

"Kara." Don resumed. "You have so many endearing qualities."

"See, I'm handeering!" she giggled, as the other's rolled their eyes.



"Wendy." Don announced.

"YEAH!" Wendy yelled, holding her hands out.

"Will you accept this rose?" Don asked.

"Don, you've made me the happiest woman in the world." she swooned.

Half of the roses had been given out.

"The next name I'm going to call really deserves this rose. And I must say, she's lloking pretty hot in her dress tonight. Taryn, do you want to be here?"

"Yes Yes YES!" she gushed, smiling and walking over.

"Thank you so very much."

"Miss Tiffanie, come here!" Don said, and she rushed up, hugging him.

"Oh wow!" Tiffanie responded, joining the other girls and kissing her rose.

"Vita, I see you sweating up there."

"Wait. Does that mean I get a rose?" she asked, frenzied.

"Congratulations." Don said. "It does indeed."

Four girls stood, waiting to be called. "The next girl to recieve a rose... is Sharon."

"Omigod! I thought you'd never say that!" she shouted, nearly running up to the platform. "I really, really, want a chance."

"Then you got it!" He laughed, handing her the rose.

Clarissa, Chanel, and Hilda remained each one terrified in their own way.

"Will you recieve this rose... Chanel."

"OH SWEET HONEY!" Chanel yelled, jumping up.

Don continued. "The reason you were called so late is because you did not go out of your way for me at all this week. I felt a little like you just didn't care."

"Oh, no!" Chanel said."Not at all, baby."

"Then congrats." He turned to the two girls left.

"Will Hilda and Clarissa please step forward?"

"I only have one rose behind me, and this represents the girl who will stay here for two more days. I will only call one name, and the girl who I do not call must immediately pack their bags and go home."

"Hilda, I'll start with you. You are here because I do not like the way you treat other people. It's rude, and sometimes shocking. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. I'm just so appalled at the way you fight, and instigate, that I question whether or not you should be here."

"Clarissa. The reason you stand before me is because I feel like we clash. We're not compatable. You know? I just can't see us being together, as a couple. I just don't think I'm the right fit with you, if that makes any sense."

"So who stays?" Don finished. "Clarissa, who just might not be the right one for me, or Hilda, who treats the girls badly?"

"DON'T do it again. Hilda." She covered her face, and walked up, shocked. "I thought I was going home!" she moaned.

"Not this time." Don said, laughing. "Congratulations, Hilda."

"Thank you so much for believing in me." she whispered, and took her spot next to the other girls, all who were groaning at the decision.

Don approached the girl he had rejected, who was taking it remarkably well.

"Now, Clarissa. Listen to me. There is nothing wrong with you. You have so many things going for you! Don't let this get you down. You are talented and funny. It was just... I couldn't see us together."

"I understand. I get it." she answered quickly.

"Thanks for coming." Don said, and Clarissa went out.

* * * *

This picture made me laugh! Wendy the knoweldge sim.


The Lunar Fox said...

That's funny. What happened in the last picture?

bbop said...

Everyone had the fear 'see hail' and Wendy had the want!

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