Day 2- A Quick Meeting

Friday, June 12, 2009

All 14 girls and Don milled around the elimination room waiting for the meeting to commence.

**Sharon, 26- "This is my last chance to make an impression. I NEED TO TALK TO DON!!"

As soon as they could, Taylor and Vita ran to Don and began to push one another out of the way.

"UGH!" Vita groaned."He's mine!" Taylor choked, as Vita pulled her back by the hair. She stumbled into Remy, who was pushed into Hilda. The rest of the girls were drawn to the conflict. Ceasing the opportunity, Meg began to talk to a horrified Don. "So... nice weather, huh?" she began.

**Taylor, 24- "That Vita is really starting to annoy me... if it comes down to me and her... that girl is going down."

**Vita, 26- "Its game time, and I need to step it up. No more missus nice girl. I'm gonna win this competition no matter what."

Meanwhile, trouble was brewing! Hilda had thought that Remy had purposely shoved her, and begun poking and insulting her. "What is your problem with me, huh?" Hilda shouted, getting in her face.

"Just leave me alone!" Remy yelled.

"Shut the hell up!" Hilda hollered, and Remy struck her across the face. Remy gasped and pulled her hand back, horrified. Hilda's mouth fell open.

This was followed by the loudest silence any of them had ever heard. Chanel finally broke the tension.

"Oh. No. She. Didn't!"

"Yes she did!" Hilda cried, throwing herself on top of Remy.


**Don, 30- "I'm really flattered by all this competition between the girls. I just hope they don't hurt themselves."

Meanwhile, Tiffanie, Sharon, and Taryn were so appalled that they spent time becoming good friends.

"This is perfect!" Sharon clapped with delight. "Let them dig their own graves!"
"Well it's certainly working." Tiffanie muttered, lowering her glasses. "What a shame."

**Taryn, 29- "Wow. This house is actually crazy! At least some of the girls are nice."

Remy and Hilda continued to struggle until there was a huge thump as Remy kicked Hilda to the floor.
**Remy, 24- "That'll teach her to mess with me ever again. I may not look tough, but you better not cross me!"
**Hilda, 27- "What? I'm so much betta than that chick. That was embarassin'! Whatta my gonna do bout that?"
Don pulled the two struggling, muttering girls off each other. "Not exactly the wisest move, but you've certainly made your point." he told them. "Now, for some business, I'm afraid." he faced the rest of the contestants, all huddled together in a circle. "Its time for the first elimination. Please get ready."
(Any favorites? Predictions? Thanks for reading!)


The Lunar Fox said...

I like Sandy and Taryn. I don't want them to go, but you can't get rid of girls like Remy and Hilda.

I'm worried that one of the quiet girls is going to go. They don't make good TV!

bbop said...

Yeah, the quiet girls are pretty boring!

(don't worry- Don weeded them out!)

And I loved Sandy and Remy. Remy is my favorite, actually.

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