Day 1- The First Challenge

Thursday, June 11, 2009

All the girls assembled in front of Don. Some were nervous, other's frantically checking their reflections in mirrors. the room twittered with anticipation.

"I'd like to formally welcome you all to this house. Its weird... that one of the girls in this room will be my fiance Let me tell you about this challenge. In order to get to know you better, you will come up here, and you have 3 minutes to tell us anything you want about yourself. That's it. Whoever I feel has done the best at the end of the night will win this challenge, and I will announce the winner and their prize at breakfast tomorrow. Its begin with... Brianne." Don finished, holding his hand out to the crowd.

Brianne carefully stepped up, looking very poised and elegant. "Hi, everyone... my name is Brianne Catalano. How you all doing tonight?"

No one responded. Undeterred, she resumed. "I want to tell everyone the reason I am here. Lately, I feel lost, and overwhelmed. I just want to find myself. Who is Brianne? You know? I think this experience would be amazing, and I am just so happy to share it with you all. Thanks."

Brianne sped to her chair. Soon a few others went up. Some were successes, others let their nerves get the best of them. Next up was Sharon. "Well... I don't know..." She clearly had stage fright. "My birthday is May 28th... Uh... I love fall... and my favorite color is yellow."

"I can tell by her hair!" Taylor whispered to the girls around her, who giggled. A few girls got up, some grasping the concept, others not. Vita took a spot on the stage and made light conversation, and some funny jokes, to which Don and the girls laughed appreciatively.

Kara went up, got in front of the mic, cleared her throat, and then stared into space. "My dogs name is Fifi. I love girly things... I'm very nice... and fun too, ask my friends... I love boys!"

Sandy got up and stood her ground. "I really am here to win Don over. I don't mean to be blunt with y'all, but that's the way its gone be." She paused. "And don't hog the bathrooms!" she said, to mutual shock.

While Taylor was up, Kara, Remy, and Meg all became friends. "What do you hope to get by being here, besides Don?" Remy whispered to Meg.

"Oh gosh, I'm up!" she exclaimed, turning red.

Meg scrambled to the microphone, and she said a few things about herself. But at the end, said this: "I really want to find love in this world, and I am praying that it is you, Don. I really want this to work out. Thanks for listening."

Finally, Taryn stood up to make her speech. "Oh, god she's big!" Hilda told Clarissa and Wendy.

Taryn had heard, and the room got uncomfortably silent. Taryn stood there, blinkling back tears.

"Sorry... this is alot to take in!" Taryn glanced at Don. "I just wanted to say, I am so happy to be here. Words cannot express my gratitude!" She took a minute to gather her thoughts. "My weight should not be the problem. I wish people would stop looking at that and start seeing something else! You guys, and of course, Donald, look great! I wish you would be less ignorant and see different types of beauty. Just leave me alone, shut up, and start looking at the person inside me!" Taryn shouted. "I can always get into shape!" she added. A few girls smiled, truly touched.

Don stood up. "What a great night. I'm thrilled to know you all a little better. With that, though, I think I should say goodnight to you all."

* * * *

Afterward, all of them, a few after taking showers and what not, went to bed. (I love when they were all asleep together!) And finally, so did Don.


Lorry said...

Very very creative. Looking forward to more.

The Lunar Fox said...

Sandy is certainly standing out. (And I agree with her-- girls don't hog the bathroom!)

bbop said...

Thanks! Mrs. Stuffy, wait til you see the other challenges I came up with!

And I just love Sandy... !

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