Day 2- About and Around Lunch

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The next morning with the sunrise, the girls awoke to an announcement. "Attention all ladies. Please feel free to do whatever you please around the house. I will be wandering around, try to find me and talk to me. Happy Hunting!" Don said.

**Sandy, 28- "I like this, Everything is one big riddle, y'all."

Rising first, Sandy turned on the lights in the bedroom, making the other girls moan. "I'm tired!" Vita yelled.

"Awright, Awright!" Sandy said. Hilda jumped out of bed, ran up to Sandy yelling. "What's your problem? Turn off the lights you hick!" Hilda said, poking Sandy in the chest before heading over to the bathroom to get ready.

**Taylor, 24- "These little petty dramas are getting ridiculous. Its the second day! I'm much more preoccupied with Don liking me than I am with the other girls! Sheesh!"

Hilda and Chanel, immidately tried to take advantage of their surroundings, and skated together, discussing Don and the other girls, while Tiffanie preferred to be alone, writing in her diary. Other women started to search for Don.

"Where could he be!" Kara said, marching into the game room. "Oooh! A sauna!" she cried and ran over to it. Meanwhile, Sandy and Taylor quickly became friends and played a round of basketball.

Remy, Sharon, Meg, and Brianne decided a game of mahjong and gossip was in store."So... I don't know if you guys know anything about the other girls..." Brianne began, grabbing a tile off the board.

"Well, one thing... did you know that Vita has diabetes? Yeah, she can't eat like, anything!" Meg said. "She told me last night."

"YAWN!" Sharon moaned. "A funny thing though... Wendy snores way too much!" they all giggled.

"Oh!" Remy said. "There was this one thing about Chanel... did you know both her parents are in jail? They're convicted felons for a bank robbery!"

**Remy, 24- "I really feel myself getting close to Sharon, Meg, and Bee. All of them are really great people, and I just love talking to them. It makes me happy that I get to hang out with them in the house!"

"You know who's a bit of an oddball..." Brianne started.

"Who?" Taryn said, wandering over.

"Clarissa. She's just so weird. She keeps to herself all the time, no one knows anything about her!"

"Well, give her a break, its only the second day." Meg sighed.

"That's true." said Taryn.

"I still don't think she's on the same playing field as us, though." Remy scoffed. "What a freak."

Suddenly a loud scream issued from the panel room, as Sandy began to scream.


Wendy burst in. "Guys... come quick! Hilda just threw a drink in Sandy's face!"

As all the girls ran upstairs, another announcement rang through the house. "Attention... its time for a house lucheon... all report to the dining hall now!" Don's voice called over a loudspeaker.
Chaos insued quite quickly as every girl abandoned all caution and sprinted to the dining room to grab a seat next to the bachelor.
"It's mine!" Taylor screamed, at the head of the pack.
"Not if ah git there first!" Sandy yelled, slipping past her. There was a desperate struggle as thirteen girls tried to fit through one stairwell at the same time.
Finally, emerging from the sauna, all hot and bothered, Kara stumbled into the bright lights. "Oh! Lunch! Yay!" she called out.

The fourteen contestants entered the dining hall and found Don sitting at one of the tables. "Everyone grab a plate, and feel free to sit wherever you like!" he called.

**Wendy, 23- "Oh, I just knew I had to sit near Don... I really want to stay in this competition."

There was a mad rush to get the 3 vacant seats at Don's table, but in the end, Hilda, Sandy, and Taylor won out.
Don stood up. "First, I have an announcement to make. Congratulations to... Taryn! You were the winner of last nights challenge. Please come to my room for an hour of fun right after the meal. Also, you can pick two friends to join you."

There were a bunch of moans, and some polite clapping. "OH! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Taryn leapt up, excited. "Um... i pick... Chanel and Kara!" she cried. (they were her highest relationships on the panel.)

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" the three of them squealed. And with that, everyone was settled in.

"So what are you guys' first impressions?" Sharon asked.

Wendy answered first. "Well, I think Taylor is pretty well off. Just look at her." Sure enough, she was busy chatting away Don while Sandy and Hilda glowered at each other.

"And Taryn. Since she won the challenge, she's basically guaranteed to stay this week."

"I just hate Hilda." Remy said. "Hate, hate, hate her."

"Ummm... I think that Wendy, you'll be fine." Sharon said.

"Really?" she answered.

"Well yeah, he liked you alot yesterday."

At the next table, Tiffanie and Meg were asking Kara how her hair got so blonde.

"Well, you know, I go to my stylist every month, and she has this stuff... what's it called... anyway, it gets my hair all dyed..."

"Bleach?" Clarissa supplied, looking incredulously at Kara.

"YES!" she shouted. "And it looks almost white. Anyway, it keeps me sexy. My real hair is a nasty brownish blonde color thats just... ugh."

"I usually dye my hair too. Purple, green, pink, blue... depends on my mood." Clarissa joked.

Meg tried to look interested, but Tiffanie and Kara looked at each other and giggled.

**Clarissa, 22- "I just don't feel close to these girls at all. We don't have thigns in common, I just don't enjoy talking to them at all. Its very frustrating."

Meg went on. "Well, I love my hair. I love styling it in the morning, don't you agree, Tiffanie?"

"Well, I used to make a big fuss about me appearence, but I'm past that now. I love my hair just up, and out of the way. It's so much easier around work!"

At the next table the four girls were having a great time chatting together.

"I'm really into animals!" Vita said, smiling. "I have two dogs."

"Well, I can't do anything, without my little puppy in my bag, Doodles." Brianne said. "I take him for monthly spa treatments."

"Wow. You must be loaded!" Taryn said.

"If only you knew the half of it!" Brianne said. "I'll tell you later, Tar." she said.

"Hey, aren't you going to eat anything besides salad, Vita?" Chanel asked.

"I can't... I have diabetes, and I just stay on a strict diet." Vita said.

**Vita, 26- "Oh, I hope they don't judge me. It's really not a big deal, but you know how things can get blown out of proportion!"

"That sucks, Vita." Chanel said sympathetically. She lowered her voice. "The food sucks here anyway. You're not missing much."

Finally, at Don's table, Taylor was getting very busy with Don.

"I love being healthy and working out... I can tell you work out too...Oh! We should go running one day!" Taylor said.

"Just like your mouth." Hilda said under her breath, then went back to chatting up Don. Sandy just sat there, glowering at Hilda.

"Me 'n my friends love going runnin' by the creek. I's great!" Sandy said to Taylor and Don.

"So what else do you girls like to do?" Don asked.

"Well, I love to garden, I's a passion, y'know? I run a farm with my parents, and it takes a lot of outdoors work and labor. But ah love every minute of it!" Sandy said.

Taylor cut her off. "I love helping people. That's like, my job. I change my client's lives. In fact, I basically save their lives!" she gushed.

"Wow, are you a doctor or something?" Don asked.

**Hilda, 27- "She's a nutritionist. Big whoop. Honey was layin' it on a little thick, if you ask me. And trust me, she's gonna regret it."

"What do you like, Hilda?"

"I love everything!" Hilda blurted out, making Don laugh.

**Don, 30- "Wow, each girl was impressing me! I really don't know what to do! I feel like I haven't gotten to know them that well, and already tonight, I have to send a girl home. I'm so confused..."

All in all, the competition was really starting up.


The Lunar Fox said...

I can see that Clarissa won't make it.

And Sandy stands out again! Although this time she's just getting a drink tossed in her face, but I'm sure she did something to deserve it. (She makes for good TV.)

bbop said...

Good prediction, TLF. That comment made my day!

And it's soo true, just from playing the game, which girls were great TV! Some just caused a lot of drama really early.

And not to give anything away, but two girls go completely crazy by the end of the season! ne girl its totally unexpected!

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