Day 5- The Third Challenge

Friday, October 2, 2009

The next day began early, with the alarm clocks going off at six.

"Ugh." said Tiffanie, rolling out of bed.
**Meg, 30- "Waking with the girls every morning is the funniest thing. There's so much going on at once, people are running around crazily, and its just hysterical. We all get like, zero hours of sleep around here. So we look like zombies!"

Meg carefully made her bed while those around her ran downstairs to the dining room. Each girl wanted to sit next to Don at the table. Chanel hopped out of bed, and realized she was no wearing enough to go downstairs in.

"Oh, crap!" she said, pushing past Wendy ("hey!") and over to the dressers.

**Wendy, 23- "Stupid Chanel."
After breakfast, the girls met out on the lawn for the third challenge of the competition.

"Why hello, ladies!" Don began, smiling. "Good morning!"
"Good morning!" they all chorused back.

"There are twelve treadmills before you. Each of you will choose one. Which ever girl can stay on the longest will win a private date with me tonight."
The girls cheered.

**Tiffanie, 25- "ohhhhhhhhhhh! That's such a good prize! I really hope i win it!"

"But," Don continued, "there's a twist. The treamills will be set to a pretty fast speed, and the challenge will be to see who can not fall off!"

"Omigod!" Sharon yelled.
"Each of you grab a treadmill."
**Kara, 20- "I don't really know about this. I'm not exactly what you would call the most fittest person."
Each girl stepped onto a treadmill, and the challenge was on!

As soon as they started, however, Wendy yelled, "No way!" and hopped off.

Don came running over. "Are you alright?" he asked.
"Yes, I'm fine." Wendy replied. "This is just not for me. I'm out."

Don was clearly miffed. "Okay, fine."
Soon after, a few girls fell. Sharon caused the most fuss when her sleeve got caught in the side of her treamill, causing her to fall and go flying backward. "OH LORD!" she yelled, while everyone laughed good naturedly.

Meanwhile, the friends Taryn and Brianne were trying to psych out Chanel, who was placed right between them.
"Hey! look over here!" Brianne said, and Taryn waved frantically behind Chanel, trying to throw her off balance. Chanel looked both ways, and stumbled, but managed to keep her footing. Brianne and Taryn collasped into giggles, which turned into groans as they both fell at the same time.

"HA!" Chanel cried.Soon it was down to only a few girls. "YES!" Tiffanie yelled happily, looking around and seeing only a few girls. But her happiness was very shortlived.

Now it was down to Vita, Chanel, Taylor, Meg, and Remy. Next out was Taylor.

**Taylor, 24- "Damn! I went into this one so confident! Aw man!"

Next out was Remy, leaving only Vita, Meg, and Chanel.

"Yes! I'm finally going to win one! Vita cried, seconds before painfully slamming face first into the treadmill.
**Wendy, 23- "Oh, poor Vita. She was such a failure today!"
"C'mon, c'mon!" Chanel panted to herself, while Meg began to nervously glance at Chanel. "It's just us!"
Finally, with a scream, Chanel went flying off the end of the treadmill, as Meg stepped off triumphantly.
"Wow. Who knew you had it in you?" Taylor exclaimed, running up.
"I didn't." Chanel commented, dusting herself off. "Congratulations! You won!" Don told her. Be ready at six tonight!"
**Meg, 30- "It feels great to win this challenge. I feel really confident, and I'm very excited. This was the extra push i needed in the right direction. I'm gonna win this."
Later, the girls began to talk among themselves about the challenge."Wow, I can't believe Wendy quit!" Taryn whispered.
"I don't think it'll hurt her chances or anything!" Brianne answered. "She's too charming for that."
"I knew Remy wouldn't win." Hilda sneered loudly. "She's really not good at anything."
"THAT'S IT!" Remy cried, marching up to Hilda and slapping her across the face, much to Don's horror.
"Girls!" he cried."This ends now!"
Hilda yelled something inaudible, and jumped on top of Remy, ripping at her hair.
"AAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Remy cried, and they rolled around on the grass, while Don tried to break it up.
"Take it back!" Remy screamed, catching Hilda in a headlock.
"Stop talkin' smack about me!" Hilda gasped.
"Enough is enough!" Don cried, as Hilda kicked Remy high in the air.
"Hmph!" Hilda cried, while don dragged her away, and a crewman took Remy off to another corner.
"This is ridiculous." Don cried. "I am appalled.
**Brianne, 21- "Insane! Simply insane!"
* * * *
Too funny! Remy and Hilda autonomously torturing each other almost every night! And some of the girls cheer, and some get worried, but Don freaks out, stamping his feet and waving his arms.


The Lunar Fox said...

lol! That is too funny. I love the way you add in small details to explain their behavior.

Wow, these girls really have to work to win their man, don't they? XD

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