Day 11- Dance Like There's No Tomorrow

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the afternoon was just beginning, but for the bachelorettes that meant only one thing: the challenge, where the stakes had never been higher.

The stress was taking its toll on some of the contestants, most notably the highly irritable Taylor.

"Watch where you're going, Chanel! That's the second time you walked into me!"

Chanel burst into tears, sobbing into her hands.

**Chanel, 28- "This ish jub soo nerfwoss right nowb!"

"All right, ladies?" Don asked.

**Meg, 30- "Well some girls are crying, but I'm having a blast! This is really so exciting. I mean, I'm all dressed up, and I'm wearing hair extensions, for goodness sake!"

"Girls, take your places. The show is beginning soon!" Don called out.

They scrambled to take their spots, and fell silent. Soon the other guests chatter had subsided as well.

Don resumed. "I am very pleased to welcome two special guests with us today, here to help us host the show.
Riverblossom Hills, please welcome Saleisha Pace and Bridget Sullivan, season one contestants!"
The crowd went wild, but Kara turned to Brianne and whispered, "Who are they? Just some reality show contestants? How silly!"

Brianne rolled her eyes and smacked her head. "Kara, if we lose because of you, you're dead!"

"All right everyone, time to kick this competition into gear!" Bridget told everyone."Our first group of girls really know how to shake it. Dancing to the Hula is Taylor Wadell, Tiffanie Zahradka, and Meg Short!"

The they started, and it was clear that they knew what they were doing.

However, toward the end, each girl spun around, but Tiffanie forgot her steps!

"Thank you, thank you!" Saleisha said as they finished. "That was very relaxing. Our next group of girls, dancing Three Lakes very own slap dance, is Taryn Kramer, Brianne Catalano, and Kara Meade!"

They started, slapping and yelled, Brianne still worried Kara would ruin it all.

Luckily the three of them had found their niche and they did a fantastic job.

Toward the end Kara did get a little funky, but luckily few noticed.

**Taryn, 29- "That was so... so... exhilarating! I had so much fun, and we did great! Finally, I'm coming back!"

"Last, but certainly not least," Bridget told them. "We have our final bachelorettes!"

"Dancing to the very popular smustle, give it up for Vita Duva, Remy Geller, and Chanel Thompson!" Saleisha said.

Things began a little shakily especially for Chanel. She was still disoriented from being so stressed. Unfortunately, she only made things worse for herself.
She forgot steps. Luckily she picked it up and soon no one could stop them... no one except Vita.
On their final steps, Vita, who had always been very self conscious, lost control and fell over, and had a hard time recovering. She blushed and stood there awkwardly while Chanel and Remy finished.

"Oh well, thanks girls!" Bridget said. "Nice job."

"They stunk!" Saleisha whispered, accidentally into the microphone.

"Thank you Bridget and Saleisha!" Don cried to the crowd. "This has been a fun afternoon, but its about to get a lot less funner."

"It's time for a surprise elimination."



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