Day 10- The Fifth Elimination

Sunday, December 13, 2009

**Don, 30- "Whew. I'm more confused than ever. I'm afraid I could make the wrong choice. You know, I could let the wrong woman go tonight. That is definately possible. This is my one shot, and like, I'm trying to get to know these girls, but I don't know what's going on at the house when I'm not there! All these women have got amazing qualities. But I need to find out more. There is just so much drama going on right now, it's really clouding my decision. All I can do is go with my head, my heart, and my gut."

* * * *

"Ladies, good evening."

"Good evening, Don!" they chorused back.

"Before we begin the rose ceremony, I have a suprise for you all. Bring 'em in guys!" Don shouted, and four burly men brought in four racks of dresses, all looking elegant and expensive.

"OOOOH!" Brianne cried out. "NEW CLOTHES!"

"Yes Brianne, but don't be fooled. This is a mini challenge. I want the dress you choose (too keep) to reflect you, whatever way you wish. Go for it!"

For the next ten minutes the panel room was filled with women making the noises and actions associated with new clothes.

**Sharon, 26- "I think I picked a good one. It's very flashy, hopefully he'll notice me!"

**Chanel, 28- "Oooooh child, he better like my outfit! I'm showin' skin!"

Finally they were ready, each in a stunning new gown.

"Well, I guess there is no other way to start this." Don began, and lifted the first rose of the evening.

"This girl one the latest challenge, but that's not the only reason why I'm picking her. She's strong, beautiful, and about as genuine as it gets. Meg."

She clutched her heart, muttered thank you, and strode past the envious bachelorettes toward her prize.
"Meg, will you accept this rose? I have a fun time on our date, and you totally earned this with your performance yesterday."

"Absolutely!" Meg cried, hugging him.

"The next one." he said, selecting a new one. "This girl dissapointed me greatly last week. But on our date today I saw her transform from petty and bad tempered to interesting and fun. Remy?" he asked hesistantly.

Squealing with delight, Remy hitched it over to Don. "From the bottom to the almost top!" she said, and then accepted her rose.

"Remy, you've grown these past few days. Let's hope it stays that way." Don told her.

"Yes, yes!"

"The third woman this evening... Tiffanie, will you accept this rose?" Don lifted it to her.

"Yes... oh goodness... and here I am worrying so much!"

"Congratulations... you are staying for another two days, baby." Don told her, and throwing in a tight hug.

"Chanel, honey, I have to give you the fourth rose this week. You just make me laugh."

"Thank the Lord!" she gasped, flinging herself down the aisle dramatically, swinging her arms. "You're awesome!"

"This next girl also deserves the fifth rose for being a wonderful date... Vita!"

"Really?" Vita asked, stepping forward. "YEAH!"
"Vita, I feel like I never give you enough credit, so this week I'm giving you an early rose. You certainly impressed me at the lodge this afternoon."

Chanel turned to Vita, giving her a thumbs up, as Don fretted over the next rose.

"If you notice, half the bachelorettes have been called, and five of you remain."

"Kara. Will you accept this rose?"

"Uh... sure!" Kara replied enthusiastically. She took her rose and confusedly wandered over to her spot next to Vita.

"Alright. Taryn, Brianne, Sharon, and Taylor. None of you have recieved a rose, and that's due to a little problem I had with each and every one of you these past two days."

"However... only one girl is going home. The seventh rose... belongs to Brianne. Will you accept it?"

"Well yaaaaaaahhh!" Brianne cried, flinging her hands into the air. She shot a devastated Taylor a dirty look as she walked past her.

"Two roses left..." Don said sadly, and picked up another. "Taylor. Will you accept this rose?"

"Oh, Don, of course. I'm so sorry!" she cried, rushing forward to recieve it.

"Oh, Taylor. I want to like so much. But lately you've been freaking out. You are being rude, and deliberately offeneding girls, and it hasn't gone unnoticed."

"Yes... I'm so sorry."

"Good. Now here's your rose."

Now only two women remained.

"Will Taryn and Sharon please step forward?"

"Hahaha, it rhymes." Kara whispered to Vita. She made a "shushshsh" gesture.

"Well here we are, ladies. The final rose. I will only call one name, and the girl who I do not call must immediately go downstairs, pack their bags, and go home."

He turned to Taryn, clearly distressed. "You are here because you dissapointed me this week. During the challenge, you gave up. That was a big mistake in my eyes. Poor Vita lost because of it. It says a little about your character, and trust me, it does not reflect kindly."

"Sharon. You stand here, not because of a mistake, or attitude, but because, out of all the women, you alone have still failed to make a connection with me. I've kept you over four other girls. You are a sweet woman, but somehow I think... maybe not for me."

Don pulled out the final rose. "But Sharon, you're a survivor, and that's why you'll be able to survive this..."

to be continued...


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