Vita Duva, Ninth Place

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

**Vita- "I'm really sad right now! I feel like I might have dissapointed my family, but I know that they're already so proud of me. Just the idea that I'm here! I mean, that's huge! I've learned so much about myself, and other people. This is bigger than anything I've ever done. I made it through casting week and five eliminations. I tried my hardest and that's all you can do."
Vita had left the competition.

***This was a particularly sad elimination for me, since when I played the challenge on my computer (before it broke) Vita was the winner! I was upset to see her go. She had the second lowest relationship with Don, but the girl who had the lowest happened to be the best dancer, so I picked the next worst, Vita.

A Suprise Elimination

Monday, December 28, 2009

Tiffanie, Taylor, Vita, Chanel, Kara, Taryn, Meg, Brianne, and Remy lined up on stage. The air was thick with tension.

"All of you did wonderfully." Don adressed them. "But as you know, there can only be one winner."

"Right now I'd like to talk about some of your performances... Tiffanie."

"Yeah?" she gulped.

"What happened? I thought you guys had it in the bag. At the ned you just looked a little disoriented." said Don. "Taylor, you did a great job. You had wonderful presence."

"Next. The lumberjacks, (Kara looked down nervously) all three of you had great dancing skills, especially Taryn."

"Finally, the smustlers. Chanel, you were terrible. No two ways about it. And Vita, you let your team down at the end."

Don now readdressed the entire group. "One of you is the winner... and one of you is going home. The winner will be announced early tomorrow."

"The person who I call now must leave here, return to the house, pack your bags, and go home. I've thought long and hard about this, and if you can't impress me, then you'll never be my wife."

"The bachelorette who is be going home tonight is..."


"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! " she cried into her hands, falling to her knees.

Don looked at his feet.

"I wanted it so bad." Vita was sobbing with despair.

"I'm sorry." Tiffanie bent down and put her arms around Vita. "I'm so sorry Vita."


"Shhh... it's okay. C'mon, let's go." Tiffanie lifted her up and helped Vita off the stage, through the crowd, and away from everything.

Day 11- Dance Like There's No Tomorrow

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the afternoon was just beginning, but for the bachelorettes that meant only one thing: the challenge, where the stakes had never been higher.

The stress was taking its toll on some of the contestants, most notably the highly irritable Taylor.

"Watch where you're going, Chanel! That's the second time you walked into me!"

Chanel burst into tears, sobbing into her hands.

**Chanel, 28- "This ish jub soo nerfwoss right nowb!"

"All right, ladies?" Don asked.

**Meg, 30- "Well some girls are crying, but I'm having a blast! This is really so exciting. I mean, I'm all dressed up, and I'm wearing hair extensions, for goodness sake!"

"Girls, take your places. The show is beginning soon!" Don called out.

They scrambled to take their spots, and fell silent. Soon the other guests chatter had subsided as well.

Don resumed. "I am very pleased to welcome two special guests with us today, here to help us host the show.
Riverblossom Hills, please welcome Saleisha Pace and Bridget Sullivan, season one contestants!"
The crowd went wild, but Kara turned to Brianne and whispered, "Who are they? Just some reality show contestants? How silly!"

Brianne rolled her eyes and smacked her head. "Kara, if we lose because of you, you're dead!"

"All right everyone, time to kick this competition into gear!" Bridget told everyone."Our first group of girls really know how to shake it. Dancing to the Hula is Taylor Wadell, Tiffanie Zahradka, and Meg Short!"

The they started, and it was clear that they knew what they were doing.

However, toward the end, each girl spun around, but Tiffanie forgot her steps!

"Thank you, thank you!" Saleisha said as they finished. "That was very relaxing. Our next group of girls, dancing Three Lakes very own slap dance, is Taryn Kramer, Brianne Catalano, and Kara Meade!"

They started, slapping and yelled, Brianne still worried Kara would ruin it all.

Luckily the three of them had found their niche and they did a fantastic job.

Toward the end Kara did get a little funky, but luckily few noticed.

**Taryn, 29- "That was so... so... exhilarating! I had so much fun, and we did great! Finally, I'm coming back!"

"Last, but certainly not least," Bridget told them. "We have our final bachelorettes!"

"Dancing to the very popular smustle, give it up for Vita Duva, Remy Geller, and Chanel Thompson!" Saleisha said.

Things began a little shakily especially for Chanel. She was still disoriented from being so stressed. Unfortunately, she only made things worse for herself.
She forgot steps. Luckily she picked it up and soon no one could stop them... no one except Vita.
On their final steps, Vita, who had always been very self conscious, lost control and fell over, and had a hard time recovering. She blushed and stood there awkwardly while Chanel and Remy finished.

"Oh well, thanks girls!" Bridget said. "Nice job."

"They stunk!" Saleisha whispered, accidentally into the microphone.

"Thank you Bridget and Saleisha!" Don cried to the crowd. "This has been a fun afternoon, but its about to get a lot less funner."

"It's time for a surprise elimination."


Day 11- Heating Up

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day 11 began, and with it, the nine girls fresh ambition to steal Don's heart.

**Taylor, 24- "Honestly, people freaking out at me needs to stop. Meg is such a little jerk for telling Don about me. It's not about him. It's about us. To think, I was almost eliminated! I HATE HER SO MUCH! And I'm getting revenge!"

Everyone was getting ready for breakfast, eager to get to the next challenge that lay ahead that afternoon.

**Taryn, 29- "Whew. So I was in the bottom two last night, and let me tell you, it was just... terrible.
It's the scariest thing. My heart was pounding so hard, and I really thought it was going to be me... oh gosh, I'm so happy to still be here!"

Breakfast was a happy affair for most of the bachelorettes, all except for one somber resident, Tiffanie.

**Tiffanie, 25- "Well of course it's great to be called early every week, but unfortunately I'm missing my friend. *Cries* Sharon was my best friend in the whole house, ever since the first five minutes. I was really sad to see her go. She was a wonderful person."

Over at one table, Kara was amusing Tiffanie, Vita, and Taylor with her efforts to eat cereal with a knife.

"This is too hard." Kara moaned, dipping it in.

Meanwhile, Remy, Meg, and Taryn were enjoying the benefits of eating with Don.

"What's your favorite evening?" Don asked them all.

"A romantic night in, just watching movies and talking." Taryn smiled. "We'd-" Remy cut across her.

"Oh, I like a night on the town!" Remy sighed. "I'd get all dressed up, and he would bring me flowers -something expensive, none of this carnation crap- and-"

Meg answered this time. "I would love a walk on the beach, hand in hand, a cute candlelit dinner-"

"It was my turn!"


"It was neither of yours, it was mine!"

Don was amused.

Midway through breakfast, Don stood up. Chatter ceased immediately, and Kara's cry of, "Are you sure this is a spoon, guys?" rang out.

"Thank you." Don began. "Shortly after this meal we will meet outside, where you will receive the instructions for your next challenge."

After that there was a mad scramble to go upstairs and get ready. Don, with a little help from Remy, stayed behind to talk and clean up.

* * * *

They met on the lawn at eight.

**Vita, 26- "I'm an easily excited person, and the thought of the next challenge is getting me excited!"

"Attention bachelorettes!" Don started. He held a hat in front of him "Right now, please pick a number, and then read it out loud."

All of the girls did so, with cries of "THREE!" and "Did you get this one? Yeah!"

Soon they had been split into three teams of three.

"If you haven't guessed, today you will be... dancing!" Don announced. "It's a competition, set on a stage, and fans of the show will be watching. I will pick a winning team, and a winning member. Each team will get a different dance to learn, and a different costume."

"Here we go..."

"Team 1, doing the Hula, is Taylor, Meg, and Tiffanie."

"Team 2, with the Slap Dance, is Taryn, Kara, and Brianne."

"Team 3, performing the Smustle, is Vita, Chanel, and Remy. Now get on your costumes!"

"You will be judged on how well you dance, how well you work together, and most importantly, (and I cannot stress this enough) how your personality is shown, through hard work, determination, and fun."

**Chanel, 28- "I dunno what he's talking about, but this should be a piece of cake."

"One more thing..." Don added. "As soon as the challenge is over, and I pick the winner, there will be an elimination."

Every contestant was shocked.

"No date, no panel, no second chance... you're going home."

Episode Six: Just Dance

Previously on- Looking For Love with Donald Sinclaire: An incredible challenge gave the ten remaining women a run for their money, turning out to be both strenuous and revealing. Meg and Remy won it all, and proved themselves in our bachelor's eyes. At a group date, gossip was shared, and girls were trashed, especially Taylor. But in the end it was Taryn's lack of effort at the challenge and Sharon's lack of attraction that landed them in the bottom two. Taryn was spared, making Sharon the fifth girl SENT HOME.

Now only nine women are left... WHO WILL BE ELIMNATED TONIGHT?!

*gameplay notes*

***every two days before elimination I add the lifetime relationships to the daily relationships. Then I see who is a friend, best friend, crush, or love, etc. Whoever has the lowest on Don's panel is sent home. or in a tie, whoever has a lower relationship with Don on their panel is sent home. Near the finals, though, I also take in things like the scope room action or chemistry into account. Finally, 80% of what you see is autonomous. I make no effort to make them fight or talk to Don. I only make them interact at dates and challenges.

Episode 5 Call Out Chart

Friday, December 18, 2009

Unfortunately, the photos are too wide for this template, so they are linked below:

Episode 5 Call Out Chart

Group Shot

thanks for reading!

Sharon Lawerence, Tenth Place

Sharon returned downstairs and began to pack her things, and clean up her few possessions that had managed to scatter themselves around the house.

"Well, it's over, and as much as I enjoyed it, I have to admit I'm a little relieved. All the drama and the stress was really getting to me, not to mention Don and I were never that into each other. I completely understand my elimination. And I did get some good memories, and I got to try something new. And I almost won that downtown race challenge! And I plan on keeping in touch with Tiffanie. Overall, I'm happy to do something like this!"

Sharon got into the taxi and went home, and happily none the worse for wear.

Continued From Previous

Don pulled out the final rose. "But Sharon, you're a survivor, and that's why you'll be able to survive this..."

Sharon looked nervously at Taryn, who's tearstained face looked back.

"... your elimination. Taryn, will you accept this rose?" Don finished.

Sharon looked suprisedly at Taryn, who's tearstained face looked back.

The girls gasped. They couldn't help themselves.

"Oh... wow... okay." Sharon said after some length. "I guess that's goodbye then."

Everyone ran down and grabbed her in a huge bear hug.

"This is for you, Taryn." Don told her.

"Oh, that scared me Don!" was her watery reply.

And soon Sharon was going... going... gone.

Day 10- The Fifth Elimination

Sunday, December 13, 2009

**Don, 30- "Whew. I'm more confused than ever. I'm afraid I could make the wrong choice. You know, I could let the wrong woman go tonight. That is definately possible. This is my one shot, and like, I'm trying to get to know these girls, but I don't know what's going on at the house when I'm not there! All these women have got amazing qualities. But I need to find out more. There is just so much drama going on right now, it's really clouding my decision. All I can do is go with my head, my heart, and my gut."

* * * *

"Ladies, good evening."

"Good evening, Don!" they chorused back.

"Before we begin the rose ceremony, I have a suprise for you all. Bring 'em in guys!" Don shouted, and four burly men brought in four racks of dresses, all looking elegant and expensive.

"OOOOH!" Brianne cried out. "NEW CLOTHES!"

"Yes Brianne, but don't be fooled. This is a mini challenge. I want the dress you choose (too keep) to reflect you, whatever way you wish. Go for it!"

For the next ten minutes the panel room was filled with women making the noises and actions associated with new clothes.

**Sharon, 26- "I think I picked a good one. It's very flashy, hopefully he'll notice me!"

**Chanel, 28- "Oooooh child, he better like my outfit! I'm showin' skin!"

Finally they were ready, each in a stunning new gown.

"Well, I guess there is no other way to start this." Don began, and lifted the first rose of the evening.

"This girl one the latest challenge, but that's not the only reason why I'm picking her. She's strong, beautiful, and about as genuine as it gets. Meg."

She clutched her heart, muttered thank you, and strode past the envious bachelorettes toward her prize.
"Meg, will you accept this rose? I have a fun time on our date, and you totally earned this with your performance yesterday."

"Absolutely!" Meg cried, hugging him.

"The next one." he said, selecting a new one. "This girl dissapointed me greatly last week. But on our date today I saw her transform from petty and bad tempered to interesting and fun. Remy?" he asked hesistantly.

Squealing with delight, Remy hitched it over to Don. "From the bottom to the almost top!" she said, and then accepted her rose.

"Remy, you've grown these past few days. Let's hope it stays that way." Don told her.

"Yes, yes!"

"The third woman this evening... Tiffanie, will you accept this rose?" Don lifted it to her.

"Yes... oh goodness... and here I am worrying so much!"

"Congratulations... you are staying for another two days, baby." Don told her, and throwing in a tight hug.

"Chanel, honey, I have to give you the fourth rose this week. You just make me laugh."

"Thank the Lord!" she gasped, flinging herself down the aisle dramatically, swinging her arms. "You're awesome!"

"This next girl also deserves the fifth rose for being a wonderful date... Vita!"

"Really?" Vita asked, stepping forward. "YEAH!"
"Vita, I feel like I never give you enough credit, so this week I'm giving you an early rose. You certainly impressed me at the lodge this afternoon."

Chanel turned to Vita, giving her a thumbs up, as Don fretted over the next rose.

"If you notice, half the bachelorettes have been called, and five of you remain."

"Kara. Will you accept this rose?"

"Uh... sure!" Kara replied enthusiastically. She took her rose and confusedly wandered over to her spot next to Vita.

"Alright. Taryn, Brianne, Sharon, and Taylor. None of you have recieved a rose, and that's due to a little problem I had with each and every one of you these past two days."

"However... only one girl is going home. The seventh rose... belongs to Brianne. Will you accept it?"

"Well yaaaaaaahhh!" Brianne cried, flinging her hands into the air. She shot a devastated Taylor a dirty look as she walked past her.

"Two roses left..." Don said sadly, and picked up another. "Taylor. Will you accept this rose?"

"Oh, Don, of course. I'm so sorry!" she cried, rushing forward to recieve it.

"Oh, Taylor. I want to like so much. But lately you've been freaking out. You are being rude, and deliberately offeneding girls, and it hasn't gone unnoticed."

"Yes... I'm so sorry."

"Good. Now here's your rose."

Now only two women remained.

"Will Taryn and Sharon please step forward?"

"Hahaha, it rhymes." Kara whispered to Vita. She made a "shushshsh" gesture.

"Well here we are, ladies. The final rose. I will only call one name, and the girl who I do not call must immediately go downstairs, pack their bags, and go home."

He turned to Taryn, clearly distressed. "You are here because you dissapointed me this week. During the challenge, you gave up. That was a big mistake in my eyes. Poor Vita lost because of it. It says a little about your character, and trust me, it does not reflect kindly."

"Sharon. You stand here, not because of a mistake, or attitude, but because, out of all the women, you alone have still failed to make a connection with me. I've kept you over four other girls. You are a sweet woman, but somehow I think... maybe not for me."

Don pulled out the final rose. "But Sharon, you're a survivor, and that's why you'll be able to survive this..."

to be continued...

Day 10- An Afternoon of Fun

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

**Vita, 26- "I'm going on a date with Don! I still am in shock. I really hope he enjoys having me around."

Soon Remy, Meg, Vita, and Brianne were ready and rearing to go.

"Bye, ladies! See you tonight- at elimination!" Don told the rest of them as he hopped into his limo.

**Sharon, 26- Watching the girls leave made me really upset. I want to stay in the competition so bad. But I know my time's up soon. I can see that Don is just not that into me. I thought maybe going on that date he would like me. But that's not true. It's just so hard, being here... away from your family and friends, no one really cares about you. And you have to deal with living with these crazy girls and the challenges! Add Taylor trying to get me to fight with Chanel... *wipes eyes* well, you get the idea."

* * * *

They arrived outside of a fancy lodge, it's stunning structure gleaming in the sunlight.

**Brianne, 21- "Time to get my groove on. I'm totally in my element - schmoozing."

They were escorted in by two ushers, who promptly led them to a dining hall, and they began their buffet. The waitress frented around them, filling plates and preparing cutlery.

"So how do you like this whole experience so far, Vita?" Don asked.

"Ooh, it's been great! I've been doing so much stuff, even just around the house, you know, working hard to be seen! And of course, I've been living with girls I probably wouldn't even talk to otherwise!"

"Aah, yes. The other girls." Brianne laughed.

"Don't even get me started!" Remy cried.

"I know you had problems with Hilda." Don told her. "But she's gone, so don't worry!"

"Well I really don't like Taylor." Remy blurted out, "And I know Meg and Brianne agree with me."

Meg blushed, but turned to Don. "Well, since we've already been on a date, me and you, I suppose I could elaborate. Taylor's just been picking on me. She thinks I'm weak or something. She's just not a nice girl lately."

"Maybe the stress of this competition has been getting to her?" Vita added.

"Well, I had a little bit of an idea." Don told them. "It wasn't exactly hidden or something."

Brianne added, "And she's really horrible to Sharon. She thinks she can manipulate her, since Sharon has no confidence."

This, more than anything, made Don think. "Hm... well, thanks ladies. A toast to the four of you!"
"Anytime, handsome." Brianne flirted, "Anytime."

After that, they gathered around the fireplace, snuggling and chatting.

"I guess I was assigned chief fire poker." Vita joked, getting up once again as the flames died down. "Where's that silly waitress when you need her?"

**Don, 30- "Vita's great. Sometimes she's just the most subtle girl, but it doesn't go unnoticed."

**Meg, 30- "Don sat next to me. Me! We had a great time, and he was so... strong, leaning against him, talking about just nothing... it was wonderful, even if Remy and everyone was there."

"What's your life dream, Remy?" Don asked her smoothly.

"Oh... I want to be a famous actress, or singer. I think it would be amazing to sing and act as a job... I'd be doing what I love."

Finally, as the sun set, they tore the house up with dancing. Even Don, who normally would have prefered to leave the dancing to the ladies, loved line dancing with the group.

**Remy, 24- "Don's a good dancer! Who knew?"

Toward the end of the evening, they had had a lot to drink. Remy was slow dancing with Vita, and Brianne was seated close to Don, who was busy kissing Meg feverently.

"Is it my turn yet?" she called, pulling them apart sloppily.

"Hey!" Meg cried, got up, stumbled and fell toward Vita. Remy glanced at Don hopefully, but, then again, she had be making out with him for the last half hour.

"Good." Brianne smiled, picking up where Meg left off. "You're mine, all mine!"

* * * *

Taryn, Tiffanie, and Sharon were busy playing cards in the dining hall, and gossiping, when Taryn stopped them. "Oh no!" she cried, pointing out the window. "Don's back!"

**Taryn, 29- "That means that we have elimination right now! I get so nervous for each one... oh no..."

"Good luck girls!" Tiffanie cried, making a dash for the stairs, while Sharon nervously smashed the elevator button. Everyone else was upstairs, getting ready.

The fifth girl was about to be sent packing.

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