Day 8- The Fourth Elimination

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Soon the eleven remaining contestants were lined up, each of them looking beautiful.

Don spoke first. "Hello ladies. Tonight is a very important night. Elimination, which will bring us one step closer to finding my true love. I have nine roses behind me."

"The first girl I'm calling tonight went through a complete transformation. She truly impressed me on our date, and I want to get to know her a little bit better. From the bottom to the top, Chanel."

"YEAH! WOO HOO!" she called, stepping forward, "I'll accept that rose, baby!"

"Congrats!" a few of the girls called from the crowd.

"The next girl just continues her streak. She has been solidly at the head of the pack. Brianne, will you accept this rose?"

Brianne flashed a winning smile at Don, and laughed, "You better believe it!" She took her place next to Chanel.

"This next woman can be described in one word: classy. Meg, come here!"

"Thank you!" she cried, throwing her hands up and coming forward.

"The next name... Tiffanie."



"All right! I'm still here! Who'd a thunk?" Kara called out, accepting her rose and joining the other safe women.

"Five ladies left. Four roses remain. You do the math." Don remarked sadly.

"Vita, you deserve to stay two more days."

"Oh, Don!" said gasped, walking up.

"The eighth name... Sharon."

"Whew!" Sharon put her hand to her forehead, hitching her dress up and walking down the stairs. "I need to do something about this being called almost last all the time!"

"The ninth girl, and recipient of one of the final roses tonight... Taryn."

"Thank you thank you Don!" she cried, stepping forward.

Don sadly turned to the two remaining girls. "Will Remy and Hilda please step forward?"

"I have one rose in my hands, and this rose represents the girl who is still in this competition. I will only call one name, and the name that I do not call must immediately go downstairs, pack your belongings, and go home."

"I would have never thought that the two of you would be standing here this early. The stunning Hilda, who's always the life of the party, or the beautiful and refined Remy who is always cheerful, singing? This should not be happening."

Now he addressed them angrily. "I asked you two to get along. I asked you to be respectful. You certainly did not do as I asked, you bickered and fought almost every moment in this competition. Even from day one, when Sandy tried to stop you. That's why you are in this position. And you have no one to blame but yourselves."

Don was now speaking with bitter disappointment in his voice, and Remy had tears streaming down her face. Hilda hung her head in shame.

"All of that aside, one of you is staying..."

"And that person is Remy."

Remy began to sob full out now, and she buried her head in her hands, crying thankfully. "Oh Don!" she flung herself up the stairs and accepted her rose. "I cannot thank you enough."

Don gave her a quick hug, and then turned to a livid Hilda.
"Go to hell, Don." she spat, and stalked out of the elimination room, leaving everyone shocked in her wake.


Anonymous said...

WOW that was a dramatic rose ceremony. I bet Remy feels pretty good about herself being picked over Hilda.

bbop said...

Aw thank you! Yes, it was very dramatic, since Hilda is the most outrageous sim EVER!

And yeah, you called it! Remy gets a little full of herself... :D

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